Blogger (部落格) - 基础使用 + 设计 + 美编
Blogger Official : https://www.blogger.com
Blogger - Google AdSense , can make money.
Learning "Google AdSense" ...
Google AdSense qualification :
And if you want to make it auto play ,
please add autoplay=1 in youtube link like this ↓
*Change the PASSWORD text to the password you want to set.
Learning "Google AdSense" ...
Google AdSense qualification :
Audacity Effects (音效)
Audio Card (Sound Card) : Sound Effects Maker
Product : this mp3 sharing website↓
Audio Card (Sound Card) : Sound Effects Maker
Product : this mp3 sharing website↓
Youtube videos autoplay at blogger :
Copy share > embed link
Paste embed link to Blogger > *Layouts > HTML/JavaScript
*can put the layout in anywhere.
*can put the layout in anywhere.
And if you want to make it auto play ,
If you want to hide the video , just want to play the music ,
please change width="0" height="0" or 1.
If you want to repeat the playlist , let the videos don't stop ,
please add loop=1 in youtube link.
Easy Folder Locker (Without any software) by MakaSa , v1.0
Just for Windows OS.
Just for Windows OS.
Copy those at the text.exe ↓
cls @ECHO OFF title EasyFolderLockerV1_ByIsaacKee if EXIST "IsaacKeeLocker_v1" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST Private goto PRIVATE :CONFIRM echo Do you wanna lock the folder(Y/N) set/p "cho=>" if %cho%==Y goto LOCK if %cho%==y goto LOCK if %cho%==N goto END if %cho%==n goto END echo Invalid choice. goto CONFIRM :LOCK ren Private "IsaacKeeLocker_v1" attrib +h +s "IsaacKeeLocker_v1" echo Folder locked goto End :UNLOCK echo Enter password to unlock folder set/p "pass=>" if NOT %pass%== PASSWORD goto FAIL attrib -h -s "IsaacKeeLocker_v1" ren "IsaacKeeLocker_v1" Private echo Folder Unlocked successfully goto End :FAIL echo Invalid password goto end :PRIVATE md Private echo Private created successfully goto End :End
*Change the PASSWORD text to the password you want to set.
Save as Locker.bat
(if you have any questions , please leave it at the message board , I'll answer it if I saw yeh)
(if you found any bugs , please leave it at the message board. ,
I'll update fixed version and put your ID at the Easy Folder Locker by IsaacKee.)
Thank you .
(if you have any questions , please leave it at the message board , I'll answer it if I saw yeh)
(if you found any bugs , please leave it at the message board. ,
I'll update fixed version and put your ID at the Easy Folder Locker by IsaacKee.)
Thank you .
Set files auto starup when windows turn on.
Put your files over here ↓
C:\Users\*xxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
(*xxx set your user name)
Revise web.config appSettings
<appSettings> xxx </appSettings>
Want to revise xxx , key or value .
Configuration Config = Web configuration manager.open Web configuration ( "~");
AppSettingsSection app = config.app settings;
app.Settings ["A"].Value = "*xxx";
AppSettingsSection app = config.app settings;
app.Settings ["A"].Value = "*xxx";
(*xxx set value )
Learning OpenCV , Open VX , Itseez
(Open Source Computer Vision)
OpenCV is released under a BSD license and hence it’s free for both academic and commercial use. It has C++, C, Python and Java interfaces and supports Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iOS and Android. OpenCV was designed for computational efficiency and with a strong focus on real-time applications. Written in optimized C/C++, the library can take advantage of multi-core processing. Enabled with OpenCL, it can take advantage of the hardware acceleration of the underlying heterogeneous compute platform. Adopted all around the world, OpenCV has more than 47 thousand people of user community and estimated number of downloads exceeding 9 million. Usage ranges from interactive art, to mines inspection, stitching maps on the web or through advanced robotics.
(Intel signed a definitive agreement to acquire Itseez, Inc.)
(Open Source Computer Vision)
OpenCV is released under a BSD license and hence it’s free for both academic and commercial use. It has C++, C, Python and Java interfaces and supports Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iOS and Android. OpenCV was designed for computational efficiency and with a strong focus on real-time applications. Written in optimized C/C++, the library can take advantage of multi-core processing. Enabled with OpenCL, it can take advantage of the hardware acceleration of the underlying heterogeneous compute platform. Adopted all around the world, OpenCV has more than 47 thousand people of user community and estimated number of downloads exceeding 9 million. Usage ranges from interactive art, to mines inspection, stitching maps on the web or through advanced robotics.
(Intel signed a definitive agreement to acquire Itseez, Inc.)
thanks for sharing,good
回覆刪除Very impressive beginning. Keep going, young man.
刪除Okie , thanks :)
刪除Steady !